Genotype by Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Some Quantity and Quality Traits for four Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Genotypes

Title Genotype by Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Some Quantity and Quality Traits for four Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Genotypes
المـؤلفون وائل سبسبي ، غريبو غريبو ، انتصار الجباوي و عبد المحسن السيد عمر
الكلمات المفتاحية الشوندر السكري | التفاعل الوراثي البيئي | تحليل الثباتية | الصفات النوعية | الصفات الإنتاجية
Keywords Sugar beet | G X E Interaction | Stability analysis | Quantity traits | Quality traits | Sowing dates | Plant densities | Varieties
The field experiment was carried out at the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural esearch
(GCSAR), Homs Res. Station during 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons, to determine genotype X
environment interaction and stability analysis (Ysi) for some yield and quality traits of four sugar beet
varieties, two were monogerm i.e. Parade and Etna, while the other were multigerm i.e. Nadir and Mammut.
The experiment was sown in three dates i.e. 15/9, 1/10, and 15/10, with three plant densities (75000, 100000,
and 125000 plant per hec).
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