The Response of Two Lentil Varieties and One Wheat Variety to Phosphate Fertilization and Inoculation with Mycorrhiza

The response of two lentil varieties and one
wheat variety to phosphate fertilization and inoculation with mycorrhiza
 العنوان استجابة صنفين من العدس وصنف من القمح لإضافة السماد الفوسفاتي والتلقيح بفطر المايكوريزا
 المـؤلفون أحمد شمس الدين شعبان و عمار وهبي
الكلمات المفتاحية الفوسفور المتاح | المايكوريزا | العدس | القمح
Keywords Available Phosphate | Mycorrhiza | Lentil | Wheat
Two pot experiments were carried out in a greenhouse to determine the efficiency of two lentil varieties
and one wheat variety under different phosphate and mycorrhiza rates. The first experiment had two types of
Syrian soils with and without application of phosphate fertilizer….. …

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