Comparison of Chemical Composition and Physico- Chemical Characteristics of Shami Goat Colostrum and Milk

Title Comparison of Chemical Composition and Physico- Chemical Characteristics of Shami Goat Colostrum and Milk
المـؤلفون عفاف مصمص ، أحمد هدّال و فاتن حامد
الكلمات المفتاحية حليب | ماعز شامي | اللبأ | سكر الحليب
Keywords Milk | Shami goat | Colostrum | Lactose
The study was conducted on)8( Shami goat milk samples taken periodically during the Milking in 2008
and at 8-4  samples per month. Samples of the milk and colostrum, were subject to chemical and physical tests to determine the chemical composition (total solids, Unfat solids, fat, protein, lactose, ash), physico-chemical characteristics (acidity, relative density, the pH), (total solids: 13.28%,Unfat solids:9.03%,fat:4.26%, protein:3.97%, lactose:4.29%, ash:0.743%) and were then compared with cow’s milk, where Theresults showed a high percentage of fat, protein and…
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