The Effect of the Water Harvesting Projects on some of the Economic Indicators Population in some Mountain Villages in Latakia (Syria)


تأثير مشاريع حصاد المياه في بعض المؤشرات الاقتصادية للسكان في بعض القرى الجبلية في محافظة اللاذقية (سورية)


The Effect of the Water Harvesting Projects on some of the Economic Indicators Population in some Mountain Villages in Latakia (Syria)


م. أيهم سعيد

أ.د. محمود ياسين

Eng. Ayham Said

Dr. Mahmoud Yasin


Lakes, Production costs, Influential economic efficiency

الكلمات المفتاحيّة

السدات المائية، التكاليف الإنتاجية، مؤشر الكفاءة الاقتصادية.


The research aims to study the effect of water harvesting projects by mountain lakes on production cost and economic efficiency for each studied crop for a sample of beneficiaries in mountainous areas in Latakia(Syria). The research sample included all farmers who use water harvesting techniques in the surveyed random selected mountain villages in Latakia, which numbered 20 villages, distributed on four areas (Latakia, Al-haffeh, Jableh and Al-Querdaha). After using Morgens Low, the sample sized 241 farmers. The data was collected by a questionnairedesigned for this purpose, but 32 questionnaires were excluded due to the lack of clarity and accuracy of data. The mountain lakes affected the average production of trees and crops so the average of citrus production has increased 1686.6kg/Donumes, and the average of different vegetables production has increased 433.3kg/Donumes. It also influenced the planted area of trees and crops. The average planted area of Apple has increased 4.6 Donumes and the average cultivated area of olives has decreased 4.6 Donumes, also the average area planted with tobacco has increased 1.7 Donumes. The relationship between total costs and income for apple harvestindex reached 74%, this is due to the availability of irrigation water from those lakes. As for the vegetable’s crops, the relationship index between profit and cost has reached 111%, and this makes it the strongest for other crops, this is due to the increase of productivity of vegetables area after the establishment of the these lakes and thus higher returns from this area.

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