List of Published Articles

Antimicrobial Effect of The Natural Honey in Algeria

Title Antimicrobial Effect of The Natural Honey in Algeria Authors Merah Mostefa الكلمات المفتاحية العسل الطبيعي الجزائري | التأثير المضاد للميكروبات | خميرة Candida…

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Detection, Identification and Quantification of F. graminearum and F.culmorum in Wheat Kernels by PCR Techniques

Title Detection, Identification and Quantification of F. graminearum and F.culmorum in Wheat Kernels by PCR Techniques Authors R. Sanoubar ، A. Bauer و L.…

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Phenotypic Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and its Contributors in Single Crosses of Maize (Zea mays L.) Developed in Syria

Title Phenotypic Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and its Contributors in Single Crosses of Maize (Zea mays L.)…

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Farm Yard Manure and Bio-fertilizers to Replace Part of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer in Wheat Fields

Title Farm Yard Manure and Bio-fertilizers to Replace Part of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer in Wheat Fields Authors Amin, I.A و E.I. Mohamed…

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دراسة التفتت الحيازي في سورية (محافظة درعا)

Title The Study of Land Fragmentation in Syria (Dara’a Governorate) Authors م. شذى تركماني ، أ. د. اسكندر اسماعيل و د. معمر ديوب الكلمات…

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Evaluation of Net Solar Radiation Data Estimated by Using Satellite Data

Title Evaluation of Net Solar Radiation Data Estimated by Using Satellite Data المـؤلفون م. بنان دردار ، د. إيهاب جناد و د. يونس إدريس…

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Study the Influence of Some Irrigation Methods on the Productivity of two Irrigated Cereals on some Physiological Parameters in Maskane Region /Syria

Title Study the Influence of Some Irrigation Methods on the Productivity of two Irrigated Cereals on some Physiological Parameters in…

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The Study of Gypsum Determination in the Soil by Alternative Heating Method

Title The Study of Gypsum Determination in the Soil by Alternative Heating Method المـؤلفون د. أحمد الشلاش العبيد الكلمات المفتاحية…

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Factors Affecting the Calving Interval of Holstein Cattle in Fedio Dairy Station

Title Factors Affecting the Calving Interval of Holstein Cattle in Fedio Dairy Station المـؤلفون م. عبيدة المصري الكلمات المفتاحية الفترة…

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Comparative Efficacy of Ivermectin and Albendazole Against Gas trointestinal Nematode Infections in Camel

Title Comparative Efficacy of Ivermectin and Albendazole Against Gas trointestinal Nematode Infections in Camel Authors د. عبد الناصر العمر ، د.عبد الكريم…

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