Effect of Some Thermal Treatments in the Growth and Development of Seedlings Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.)


تأثير بعض المعاملات الحرارية في نمو وتطور بادرات الخرنوب Ceratonia siliqua L.


Effect of Some Thermal Treatments in the Growth and Development of Seedlings Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.)


م. سامر ناصر

د. طلال أمين

د. حافظ محفوض

Samer Nasser

Dr.Talal Ameen

Dr. Hafez Mahfoud


Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) , Minirhizotron , Temperature, Root and shoot system

الكلمات المفتاحيّة

الخرنوب (Ceratonia Siliqua)، ميني ريزوترون (أوعية زراعية خاصة)، درجة الحرارة، جذور عرضية.


This research was conducted at the Scientific Agricultural Research Center (Lattakia/Syria), during the first half of 2015 In order to increase knowledge about the impact of several thermal treatments on some qualitative and quantitative indicators for the growth of shoot and root system of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seedlings. three places were selected with different temperatures degree. The first (Lab, 25±0.5°C ) the second ( Room growth, 20.66±0.5°C ) the third (Open Field, 17.3±0.5°C ). And a private agricultural vessels (Minirhizotron) were used to follow the growth of seedlings roots. The results showed a superiority of Laboratory treatment at the Room growth and Field treatments in the quantity rates for the growth of root and shoot system and the curves for three treatments specialized of taproot and stem growth’s speeds was coincident on each other to a large and generally with somewhat similar paths.

In addition to a clear consensus somewhat between the taproot growth and high and low temperature unlike the growth and development of the main stem.

The general track of the growth’s rate of the taproot and stem is the same for the three treatments and was not affected by the influence of temperature and this leads us to mind genetic characteristics belonging to the type of the carob that isn’t affected by the environmental studied factor.

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