Mountains Goat, Lactation stage, Chemical Composition of Milk, Minerals concentration


تقدير التغيرات النسبية ومستوى تراكيز بعض المعادن خلال مرحلة إنتاج حليب الماعز الجبلي السوري تحت نظام الرعاية السرحي


Evaluation Relativity Variation and Some Minerals Concentration during Lactation Stage of Syrian Mountains Goat Milk under Grazing System


م. أسامة خالد ديب

د. صاموئيل موسى

د. شحادة قصقوص

Eng. O. Deiab

Dr. S. Mossa

Dr. Sh. Kaskous


Mountains Goat, Lactation stage, Chemical Composition of Milk, Minerals concentration

الكلمات المفتاحيّة

الماعز الجبلي، مرحلة الإنتاج، التركيب الكيميائي للحليب، تراكيز المعادن في الحليب، ماعز، إنتاج الحليب، تركيب كيميائي، حليب الماعز،


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lactation stage on chemical composition and some minerals concentration of Syrian mountains Goat milk using grazing system in Al-Quneitera area (Syria) in year 2013. Twenty mountains Syrian goats were used to evaluate milk production and composition (fat, protein, lactose, and non-fat solids) and some minerals concentration (Ca, P, Na, K, Cu, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, cl) during lactation. Using SPSS program, data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures. Daily milk yield was 1473.1 ± 297.42 g/head, while the total milk was 342.02 ± 135.6 Kg/head. The results of statistical analysis showed that there are significant differeces in daily milk yield and percent of fat and protein and lactose and concentration of Ca, P, Na, K, Zn, Mg, during different stages of lactation. It concluded that the concentrations of minerals in Syrian mountains Goat milk is into normal limits and basic minerals concentrations in goat milk.


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