Spectral Signature Description of Some Wheat Genotypes and Study Their Relationship with Yield Prediction Spectraly in the Semi Arid Zones


توصيف البصمة الطيفية لبعض طرز القمح ودراسة علاقتها بتنبؤ الإنتاجية طيفياً في المناطق شبه الجافة


Spectral Signature Description of Some Wheat Genotypes and Study Their Relationship with Yield Prediction Spectraly in the Semi Arid Zones


د. ناصر إبراهيم

د. حسام فرج

Dr. Nasser Ibrahem

Dr. Husam I.A. Farag


Spectral signature, Wheat genotypes, Spectral model, Yeild prediction, Semi arid zone

الكلمات المفتاحيّة

البصمة الطيفية، طرز القمح الوراثية، أنموذج طيفي، تقدير الإنتاجية، مناطق شبه جافة، تربية النبات، أصناف، أصناف.



In this research, the spectral signature was determined within the wavelength range 350-2500 nm at every 1 nm during all growth stages of some wheat genotypes cultivated in the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry lands (Sabboura, Damascus countryside, Syria) under the semi arid zones conditions in season 2018. This is to demonstrate the possibility of using them in preeding programs for productivity, as well as finding the relationship between the values of spectral reflectance during the different stages of growth with grain productivity according to mathematical equations based on the values of spectral indices recorded during early growth stages according to spectral models under the region conditions. The spectral signature of each genotype varied at the same time with the value of the spectral reflectance at all or some wavelengths to estimate and descripe the phesological behaviour of action the genotype with environmental requirements at that moment, thus distinguishing from the other. Applying the linear multistage spectral model for estimating productivity (g/m2) of wheat (W) according to NDVI values during advanced growth stages at Mars and April at Days Of Year 68, 77, 85, 94, 103 and 111 season 2018 under semi arid zones conditions, by the equation:

W (g/m2) = – 120 – 535NDVI68 + 1170NDVI77 – 525NDVI85+ 60NDVI94 + 25NDVI103 + 990NDVI111

It is essential of describing the spectral segnature that expresses the abality and behavior physiological of the crop genotypes in the growth and productivity compound within the environment of the cultivation area and the specific growing season and the possibility of its use in plant breeding programs; also it is possible through the spectral segnature to know, define and mapping the ability of genotypes in the productivity compound for each region and growing season

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