The consultative committee of ACSAD organization in its first two meetings, headed by the Director-General Dr. Nasr Eddin Al Obaid. The next phase is very important in terms of activating and stimulating the business

The Consultative Committee of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), headed by the Director-General, Dr. Nasr Eddin al-Obaid,  which was held at its headquarters in Damascus on 4/7/2020, decided at its first meeting to develop the performance and to correct and activate work in departments and programs following the organizational structure adopted by the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council

furthermore, activating ACSAD`s work and re-connecting with research centers, and all international, regional organizations, and institutions; especially restoration of ACSAD`s status among the international and Arab councils and conventions, to enhance the scientific, technical research attendance to implement the joint activities.

It also decided to activate the communication with the international, and regional, and Arab funds; to highlight ACSAD`s work and success stories, to benefit from appropriate funding for the project’s implementation and activities in the Arab countries.

The formation of the scientific board of each department, headed by the Director of Administration and membership of experts in all departments, to submit a monthly report to the Director-General.

assigning the Department`s Directors to utilize from the new distinguished Arab experiences with appropriate manner to the work plan and to activate the Department’s performance.

redistributing experts to departments and programs in an objective and logical manner, in line with the practical and administrative experience, the nature of the work`s hours of the Department’s experts, and preparing the second row of expertise.

The Director-General Dr. Nasr Eddin Al-Obaid expressed his pleasure at holding the first meeting of the Consultative Committee after assuming his duties, and to the resolutions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its (105th) session and the resolutions of the General Assembly at its (35th) session concerning his election as Director-General of the Arab Center “ACSAD”, he thanked and appreciated the members of the Economic and Social Council, and the Excellencies ministers that are members of the General Assembly for the confidence they had placed in him

He also thanked the Syrian Arab Republic, the “country of Headquarters”, for providing all necessary and permanent support for the continuity of the work of the Organization and the activation of joint Arab action.

He also expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to Dr. Rafiq Ali Saleh for his previous management of ACSAD, praising his experience and wisdom, his constant desire to raise the status of ACSDA highly in the Arab region and at on the international level; and highly appreciated the accomplishments were achieved during his administration, and Keeping on the continuity for ACSAD`s work despite the difficulties, in the Headquarters country; confirming that he will continue on the way to achieve success.

H.E Excellency also considered that the next stage is very important in terms of activating and stimulating works, depending on the distinguished scientific and technical staff at the head of the technical departments, in a way that reflects on ACSAD`s career to accomplish great achievements, with a strong will to implement what is required.

in its second meeting, which was held on 11/7/2020, at ACSAD headquarters, chaired by the Director-General, Dr. Nasr Eddin Al-Obeid, the Advisory Committee discussed the presented proposals submitted for the development of technical work in ACSAD, which were approved by the Director-General as a qualitative guideline for the work development, that included three axes in the field of technical work, and cooperation with Arab, regional and international organizations. And the development of working human resources.

The consultant and Coordinator-General of the project “preparing the optimal uses of lands in Sudan”, provided the Director-General a presentation on the stage of the mentioned project and a discussion of the phases that it had taken; then  The Director-General has directed that date on 15/7/2020 be set for the delivery of status-of-knowledge reports to the project coordinator..

The Department’s directors were tasked with preparing and hold symposia and workshops on the most important issues currently under consideration and in areas of ACSAD`S work, in cooperation and coordination with Arab, regional and international organizations, and presented the proposals were submitted to the Director-General for approval, particularly on the topics of plant resources, livestock and water resources

The managing-editor of the refereed “Arab Journal for Arid Environment’’, and the non- refereed journal” Agriculture and Water in the Arab world, presented the reality of work in ACSAD and the systems governing their work.

In this regard, the Director-General decided to adopt the rules of procedure for the journals that were presented to the Committee, for distributing it to all departments for consultation, and mandate the Department of the economy and planning to present it to the General Assembly of the Arab Center “ACSAD” at its next meeting for adoption.

The committee also made some decisions that would develop the work of the units and sections of Media, IT, and laboratories, as well as many scientific, administrative, and organizational resolutions, which contribute to upgrading and developing the work of ACSAD organization in all its components.


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