The President of Damascus University in ACSAD

The Director-General of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, and Mr. President of the University of Damascus, Dr. Mohamed Yassar Abeddin, discussed the cooperation between the two sides in the scientific, technical, and administrative fields and the prospects for its promotion and development during the meeting held at ACSAD in Damascus today.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Director-General paid tribute to the constructive cooperation between the University and ACSAD, through the joint supervision of master’s and doctoral theses, field visits of Faculty of Agriculture’s students to the ACSAD research stations for familiarizing with the experiences and researches implemented there. Exchange of experiences and specialists, participation in seminars and workshops organized by both parties to acquire experience, develop knowledge, adopting “Dry Environments,” journal produced by ACSAD for External publication. He stressed the importance of activating this collaboration, particularly with the University’s Faculty of Agriculture, to strengthen technical capacities, thereby contributing to developing the agricultural sector’s reality in the common areas of work.

Dr. Obaid expressed the readiness of ACSAD to carry out any scientific research or practical projects in various areas of the parties’ work, benefit the Syrian Arab Republic in particular, and all Arab Countries in general.

The president of the University and the accompanying delegation saw a documentary film about ACSAD’s projects, and they went around the Organization’s laboratories, administrative, and various scientific facilities.

He confirmed that this visit, and his important discussions with Dr. Obaid, would establish a fresh start to the cooperation progress between the two sides. He was impressed by the Organization’s outstanding level of science and wished it continued progress and prosperity under its new administration.

At the end of the visit, Dr Obaid gave Dr Abdeen the shield of the Arab Centre Organization (ACSAD) to appreciate his outstanding scientific and administrative career and his continuing efforts in developing university work in the Syrian Arab Republic.

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