ACSAD organization continues to stand by Lebanon

The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), Dr. Naser Edin Al-Obaid, confirmed that the organization stands beside brotherly Lebanon in its current ordeal, indicating that he was contacted with his Excellency the Lebanese Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Abbas Mortada, and offered condolences and sympathies for the martyrs and wishes of the speedy recovery for the wounded. And to provide full and immediate support to our family of  farmers and livestock breeders in brotherly Lebanon

During the meeting of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States that was held for the directors-general of its organizations via video technology on 13/8/2020; the Director-General of ACSAD pledged to provide Lebanon with 100,000 olive seedlings (in batches) valued at about US$ 500,000.

Providing Lebanon with the financial support in the amount of 50.000 $ to the entity designated by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in the Lebanese Republic, and to provide Lebanon with a quantity of one ton of seeds for high-yield varieties of ACSAD-developed wheat for multiplication and cultivation, valued at more than 25 thousand US dollars; in addition to providing it with citrus seedlings, almond, pistachio, apple, forest trees, and others.

Dr. Al-Obaid confirmed that Lebanon was also supplied with quantities of seeds of different types of vegetables to be cultivated at a value of 10 thousand US dollars, besides to 20 heads with high productivity that are improved by ACSAD of elite herds of Al-Awassi sheep and Al-Shami goats to be used in improving the productivity for breeders` herds of the sheep and goats in Lebanon at a value of 50 thousand US dollars.

Lebanon will also be provided with straws from sex male cells (sperm), taken from the best and highest-productive heads (Al Awassi sheep) used to improve the productivity of the Lebanese breeders` herds through artificial insemination, valued at US$25,000.

The Director-General of ACSAD, Dr. Naser Eddin Al-Obaid pledge that the organization would carry out the technical studies to implement mountain lakes in agricultural areas where traditional water resources are not available, and implementing rainwater harvesting techniques for fruit trees in mountain areas through providing the necessary technical support.

As well as providing training to the agricultural researchers, and technicians’ farmers in different agricultural fields required by Lebanese agricultural institutions, and providing technical and scientific expertise to agricultural institutions in Lebanon as needed.

Dr.Al-Obaid noted that this is a continuation to the projects and activities that have been put into effect by ACSAD in the Lebanese Republic during the previous period, including the project of developing high-tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses varieties of wheat and barley; with high-productivity efficiency, and the project of multiplying the seed and promising varieties of wheat and barley.

And the research project (applying the conservation agriculture system to improve the productivity of small grain crops – wheat, barley, and soil properties in the Arab countries). ACSAD also implemented an integrated nursery in( Kamed Al-Lawz), including modern irrigation systems and a greenhouse to produce olive and fruit trees.

In addition to the expansion project of fruit trees seedlings production to meet the demands of Arab countries, and the project to raise irrigation efficiency in Arab countries.

It is also noted that, within the framework of the implementation of the rain-water harvesting project in the Arab countries, a study of 10 mountain lakes has been implemented throughout Lebanon by ACSAD, the last of which was in the town of (Maqna), Baalbek-Hermel Governorate, it also worked on identifying suitable sites for mountain lakes in Baalbek and Hermel.

ACSAD also implemented a project to reduce the phenomenon of sea-water intrusion with freshwater in the Hazmia-Beirut region of the Lebanese Republic (the management of artificial groundwater feed-in Hazmia to prevent sea-water intrusion) and the project to assess the impact of climate change on the productivity of some agricultural crops in the Arab region.

In addition to the project to study the sensitivity of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Lebanese Republic, the project to strengthen water security through capacity-building and cooperation in the Arab countries, and the project to improve the productivity of sheep and goats in the Arab countries.

The Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture was also provided with (115,000) seedlings of different varieties of olive, (150,000) of various fruit-tree plantings, as well as (49) heads of Awassi sheep and (90) heads of Shami goats

The Director-General of the Arab Center (ACSAD) said that the organization has carried out many training courses in the various fields of its work for the benefit of Lebanese technical cadres, and many training courses, workshops, and regional and international conferences are held throughout the Republic of Lebanon.

. Dr. Al-Obaid confirmed that ACSAD organization is ready to offer all forms of support to brotherly Lebanon, especially those concerned with the agricultural sector, according to the organization’s capabilities.

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