ACSAD Organization and Tishreen University / Cooperation Convention

The Arab Center Organization for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland ACSDA and Tishreen University in the Syrian Arab Republic have signed a convention to enhance technical and scientific cooperation between them,  conducting specialized research and studies, and field applications to determine the optimal utilization of natural resources.

The Director-General of ACSAD Organization and the head of Tishreen University have signed the convention at the University’s headquarters today in the presence of both sides delegations.

The convention sets out technical and scientific cooperation between both sides in the areas of genotypes preservation of plant and animal suitable for dry areas and improves them, developing models for the systems of integrated agricultural production “plant and animal” in various agricultural environments, developing organic agriculture, using biotechnologies in artificial insemination and embryos transferring, land degradation monitoring, restoring degraded environmental areas, and soil studies; in addition to expertise exchange and collaborative organization for the scientific meetings, scientific refereed publishing and documentation to enhance scientific and practical research, and to what enables both sides to provide their joint research results in the service of the Syrian agricultural sector and improve the livelihood for farmers and livestock breeders.

Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid affirmed in a speech following the signing of the convention that this convention came as an embodiment of the constructed cooperation relations among ACSAD Organization, the Ministry of Higher Education, and Tishreen University in various mutual interests, and as a belief from both sides in the importance of this cooperation and developing it constantly, the necessity of coordination and collaboration between Arab scientific research institutions aiming to develop scientific agricultural research. It is a complement to those conventions signed among ACSAD, ministries, unions, and syndicates in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Dr. Obaid expressed his great appreciation for the expertise that professors and researchers had in all Syrian universities. He also welcomed more cooperation with them in the sustainable agriculture development processes in Syria and the Arab countries, confirming that the Arab Center Organization ACSAD adopts this vision and methodology extensively with universities and research centers now and in the future.

In his turn, Dr. Bassam Hassan said that this convention was a new start for the cooperation between both sides, and as a natural result of the prominent place that ACSAD Organization owned as it is an Arabian house of expertise recognized for its research, programs, and applied projects particularly in the recent period at the Arab world level. He added, “ We hope from this convention more fruitful cooperation and benefiting from the Arab expertise in various areas that ACSAD interests in, to upgrade the agricultural research scientific sector where it has proved a high competence in all fields it works in.

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