The Iraqi Minister of Agriculture and ACSAD’s Director-General / Discussions

His Excellency, the Iraqi Minister of Agriculture Eng. Muhammad Kareem Al-Khafaji and his Excellency, the Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland ACSAD Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, discussed the cooperation affairs between the two sides; the methods of developing and enhancing them in various areas, during their meeting at the Arab Center ACSAD headquarters today.

In the beginning, Dr. Obaid presented a brief presentation on the center’s plans and programs to support the Arab countries’ efforts for a particular Arab sustainable development in the Republic of Iraq. Then, both sides conducted an inclusive evaluation for mutual activities and projects that have been implementing recently; the possibilities of organizing new developmental projects and events, especially in the fields of desertification combat, restoring degraded lands, deriving new varieties of wheat and barley strains, water harvesting, and providing Iraq with improved seedlings of fruit trees. He affirmed to his Excellency, the Minister, ACSAD’s constant readiness to set all the experiences and potentials at the service of the programs and projects of the  Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture with what would meet its aspirations and futuristic plans to develop the agricultural sector in the Republic of Iraq.

For his part, the Minister expressed his appreciation for ACSAD’s efforts and all its workers, hoping this meeting contributes to upgrading the cooperation relations between the Ministry and ACSAD to the best levels. He also praised the role played by ACSAD to achieve Arab food and water security at the same level it had achieved in the scientific and practical performance recently; the high confidence it gained, and the prominence it reached in various work areas.

After the meeting closure, the Iraqi Minister accompanied the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform in the Syrian Arab Republic with ACSAD’s Director-General toured to Serghaya research station when he was briefed on the work course of the station. He explained his admiration and praised the workers’ efforts there.

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