The Director-general of ACSAD gives a speech in a symposium about Egyptian agriculture challenges in the corona era.

The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland (ACSAD) Dr. Naser  Eddin Al Obaid delivered a speech in a special symposium`s on Egyptian Agriculture challenges in the Corona era”.

The symposium was held in 12/7/2020 via closed-circuit television technology “conference” which was organized by The Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt

Representatives of the concerned Egyptian authorities (Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Agricultural Union and Food Safety Authority) participated in the symposium, In addition to representatives from the FAO office of united nations in Egypt and a representative of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA).

At the beginning of his speech, the Director-General of ACSADwith respect and nobleness addressed the highest appreciation was attributed to His Excellency Dr. Al Qusair, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Dr. Mouhamad Abd Al Mouty  minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, H.E. Dr. Sayed Khaleefa The Chief of Agriculturalists, Dr. Hussein Mansour, Head of the Food Safety Authority, Dr. Nasr El-din Al-Hajj Amin, representative of FAO in Egypt. And the Engineer Ali Abu Saba, Chairman of the International (ICARDA).

He added. “I hope that at the beginning of my career as Director-General of the Arab Center for Arid Zone and Drylands Studies (ACSAD), to express our soft gratitude and appreciation as the softness of  Nile river and fresh as Barada`s water to scientific stature, Egyptian -born Arab fancy with humanitarian tendency and passion H.E. Dr. Al Sayed Al Qaseer the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, President of the General Assembly of ACSAD who does his best by making a strenuous effort and continuous work for ACSAD`s arrival to the safety beach at one of the most important stages of its long career”.

he continued.” Here I stand with his Excellency as well as yours, promising him with full loyalty to his great confidence, to lead ACSAD with great capability to the proper place in terms of quantity and quality

In a way that serves the aspirations and programs of our league of Arab States in various fields and domains, and in deeds, not words

Concluded his initiation by saying “thank you H.E. the Minister from the heart as a brother, advisor, and leader for guiding us in all next steps”.

Moreover, Dr. Al Obaid pointed out that ACSAD is being considered one of the most important organizations for joint Arab work that seeks to achieve Arab food and water security. Here it is a necessity to mention that the Arab Republic of Egypt “the Mother of Arabs” and since 1996 it adopted the motto of” (Arab Water Security is an essential component of Arab national security, because of the necessary link between national water security and Qatari water security).

He noted that the Arab Center of ACSAD) implemented many projects in the Arab Republic of Egypt, under the supervision and vigorous follow-up of the dear brother Dr. Sayed Khaleefa, Director of ACSAD office in Cairo, who had white hands in this field. The most important of these is the water harvesting and agricultural practices project to improve livelihoods in the rural areas in Matrouh in cooperation with FAO, through the establishment and rehabilitation of more than 200 wells, the establishment of 125 model farms and the provision of necessary support to farmers.

The project of supplying water to local communities through water harvesting in cooperation with the Spanish organization “Action against Hunger”, AAH-Spain, through the implementation of 1020 water harvesting facilities with a total storage capacity of 140,000 cubic meters, and the implementation of the project to raise irrigation efficiency in the Arab countries by the Arab Center, in which 13 Arab countries participated. Egypt was one of these countries and many other projects.

The Director-General of ACSAD said:” now, it is known to all that the world is facing a long series of challenges, which effects and risks transcend the geographical and political borders of countries, and that these challenges have become global issues that require common interest and cooperation from all, whether individuals, societies or nations. The most important of these challenges is the Corona pandemic, COVID 19, which is currently the mother of challenges, at all levels, health, economic, financial, social, food, water, and even political.

the Director-General of the Arab Center (ACSAD), Dr. Nasr Al-Din Al-Obaid concluded his speech by expressing his wishes to all the Arab countries, to overcome the Coronavirus and overcome its risks, in a way that guarantees the Arab citizen health, safety, stability, and a decent life.

 He also expressed his hope to the people in the Arab Republic of Egypt that the Corona pandemic would be an opportunity to challenge and succeed, to overcome the obstacles that it faces especially in the agricultural sector, because this sector has an effective role in the Egyptian economy, wishing to our sister Egypt,  a long time of progress, pride, development, and prosperity, and success to this important conference`s work.

Remarked that the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland ACSAD is continuing to carry out its mission, implement its plans, provide expertise and utilize its potential, in coordination and consultation with the Arab Agriculture Ministers, and cooperate with Arab, regional and international organizations to support the Arab agricultural development.

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