With the participation of Syrian and Arab experts. ACSAD organization holds a conference on the Atlas of Arab Soils Resources project and its future uses

The Director-General Dr. Nasr Eddin Al Obaid of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), said in a statement that ACSAD’s recognition of the extreme importance of the project Atlas of Soils Resources in the Arab world and its future uses”, led it to propose it to all Arab countries and its fully finance. indicating to its implementation period is three years (2020-2022).

 He clarified that the main goal of this ambitious work is to develop a scientific document to inventory the resources of soil in the Arab world, preparing maps of the soil spatial distribution in Arab countries, evaluating the factors affecting the composition and development of soils, and indicating the nature of the future uses of soils

He added that “The aim of this work is also to highlight soils specifications and distribution in the Arab region, support the preparation and implementation of national plans for its uses, enhance the cooperation between specialized scientific institutions in the Arab world and enrich the Arab Library with a scientific reference, being the first on this subject in the Arab world.

This came on the occasion of a conference that has been held by ACSAD organization today via video technology, during which the first stage of the action plan of “Atlas of Arab Soil Resources and future uses” was discussed.

The conference was attended by experts from the Arab countries participating in the project activities, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, in addition to ACSAD`s concerned experts.

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