His Excellency Dr. Nasr Eddin Al-Obaid, Director-General of (ACSAD) Organization

Today, at the headquarters of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) organization in Damascus, celebrates with Dr. Naser Eddin Al Obaid`s assumption of his duties as Director-General of the organization, succeeding to his Excellency Dr. Rafiq Ali Saleh


His Excellency Dr. Al-Obaid said in a speech on this occasion that despite the difficult circumstances in the Arab region is experiencing, (ACSAD)organization has managed to implement its plans and programs and was developed its infrastructure and research stations.

He noted to the important achievement of establishing an advanced ACSAD laboratory for biotechnology research, which has the extreme importance in the rapid development of drought-resistant varieties of wheat, barley, and fruit trees resistant to drought.

And he drew the attention to the applied scientific results research by ACSAD, especially in the fields of fodder and pasture land research, water resources, palms, livestock, and land uses, assuring its utmost importance for all Arab countries, especially as it is carried out in arid and semi-arid environments.

He emphasized that the organization focuses on important researches for Arab countries, especially raising irrigation efficiency in the Arab countries and reducing waste in irrigation water and ACSAD is carrying out important research in the areas of combating desertification, preserving pasture and improving its reality to provide a fodder source for the livestock, especially for sheep, goats, and camels.

In conclusion, his Excellency, Director General of the Arab Center (ACSAD) Dr. Nasr Al-Din Al-Ubaid, praised the support of the government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic to the organization, describing it as the heart of Arabism that can accommodate all Arabs, noting to Syria`s great support to(ACSAD) organization in the terms of providing the infrastructure, and lands for applied scientific research stations and experts, confirming his intention to move forward in developing the work of ACSAD and opening new horizons for it.

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