The ACSAD Organization & The General Union of Peasants / Cooperation Agreement.

The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) and the General Union of the Peasants in the Syrian Arab Republic have signed a cooperation agreement aimed to develop the Arab agricultural reality in general and the Syrian one in particular, in both plant and animal sectors; qualifying the agricultural and technical peasant cadres to achieve socio-economic development and unifying the efforts between the two parties to access practical results in the common work areas.

 The agreement was signed by His excellency, The Director-General, Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, as ACSAD representative, and Mr. Ahmad Saleh Ibrahim, the head of the Union of peasants, in the presence of the Companion  Shaban Azouz, member of the Central Command of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, the head of the two offices peasants and central Bureau workers, and Dr. Muhammad Kerduch Chairman of the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee The People’s Assembly expert in ACSAD, at the headquarters of the Arab Center Organization (ACSAD), in Damascus, today.

The convention provided for the cooperation between both sides in studies and applied research preparation that will benefit the agricultural reality in the Syrian Arab Republic at the research stations and agricultural land belonging to both parties.

Also, the convention stated to provide the necessary technical experience to train the technical and peasant cadres working in the General Union of Peasants and organizing and attending the conferences and workshops that are of the mutual interest of the two parties. In addition to providing the necessary experience needed by the Union from ACSAD in the scientific, technical, and agricultural fields.

The convention also set out the Union of Peasants participation in the field days implemented by the Arab Center (ACSAD) at the stations belonging to it in the headquarters country and exchanging information and scientific, technical data for the mutual benefit of both parties.

As well as support the publication of individual or joint research in the refereed scientific journals issued by ACSAD in accordance with the followed publication rules, and continuous consultation between the two parties in the different fields of mutual concern to consolidate the cooperation efforts, develop it and improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

His Excellency, the Director-General of ACSAD Organization, Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, said in a statement that ACSAD was always seeking to enhance the cooperation ways with all technical and agricultural institutions to achieve a sustainable Arab agricultural development in the frame of strengthening the collaboration with the unions, syndicates, and qualitative associations concerned in the Arab agricultural sector for the achievement of the optimal use of natural and human resources.

He also confirmed the signature of the cooperation convention between ACSAD and the General Union of Peasants in the Syrian Arab Republic would be a  new starting for the fruitful hard work between the two parties. It also contributed to developing the Arab agricultural reality, especially the Syrian one in both animal and plant sections, and upgrading it to the desired ambitions level. This convention came in a series of conventions recently done among ACSAD, the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, and the academic scientific and research institutions to promote the Syrian and Arab agricultural sectors.

In his turn, the head of the General Union of Peasants, Ahmad Saleh Ibrahim, expressed his confidence that this convention would give them more great benefit from ACSAD’S well-known experts and researchers to work together in achieving socio-economic development.

He also noted the qualitative leap done by ACSAD under its new administration that accomplished important and tangible achievements within a short time. He said:” Our hopes are high that we will soon see the positive effects of this significant convention in all agricultural action areas.

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