The ACSAD organization and Al-Baath University /scientific and technical Memorandum of Understanding

The Arab Center Organization for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland “ACSAD” and AL Ba’ath University in the Syrian Arab Republic have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhancing the scientific and technical cooperation between them; developing the scientific research, community service and working on developing the theoretical and practical knowledge to accomplish sustainable, inclusive community- based development, particularly in the Agricultural sector.

 Today, in the presence of both parties delegations in the headquarters of the University,  The ACSAD’s Director-General, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid and the President of AL-Ba’ath University, Prof. Dr Abdullbaset Al-Khateeb, signed the scientific, technical Memorandum of Understanding.

The Memorandum provides for the scientific and technical cooperation between the two sides in the areas of conducting research and academic scientific studies achieving the optimal investment of human and natural resources in the fields of efficiency productivity development of plant and animal species and strains; the integrated sustainable development for specific regions, rehabilitation and investment of degraded areas, the optimal use of water resources as well as developing and improving it,  and generating, transferring, settlement of the appropriate agricultural technologies.

Both parties have agreed on implementing programs for training the scientific and technical cadres in the joint action areas.  In addition to benefitting from infrastructure which is belonged to the University and the Arab Center ACSAD in what would serve both parties’ interests through implementing the field trials, laboratory research, and the field studies in stations, laboratories, and farms for both sides; in addition to the scientific, technical cooperation in implementing projects, research plans, and academic scientific studies.

Both parties also have agreed on exchanging the technical and academic cadres, publishing either the individual research or the joint ones in the ACSAD’s journal and University magazine within the interests of both. Furthermore, the participation in co-supervision of graduate students (Masters- doctorates); documenting and publishing the results of research, studies, and projects mutually and in the name of both parties, in addition to exchanging the consultations and scientific meeting in what would serve both parties’ interests, exchanging books, journals and publications as well.

In a speech following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, Dr Nasreddin Obeid confirmed that the Memorandum of Understanding came as an embodiment of constructive cooperation between ACSAD and the University of Baath in various areas of common interest.

He also stressed the importance of this virtual cooperation among ACSAD Organisation, the Ministry of hight Education, and universities in Syria, and developing it constantly, in addition to the necessity of coordination and collaboration between both sides to serve the Arab scientific research institutions aimed at developing the scientific agricultural research. He confirmed that this Memorandum was a completion and a complement for all conventions signed among ACSAD, ministries, unions, and guilds in the Syrian Arab Republic to upgrade the agricultural, environmental, and scientific sector.

Dr Obaid expressed his high appreciation for research and professors’ expertise in all Syrian universities and his welcoming more cooperation in the sustainable agricultural development process in Syria and Arab countries.

For his part, Dr Abdulbaset  Al-Khateeb welcomed the Memorandum of Understanding between the ACSAD Organisation and Al- Ba’ath University. He also affirmed that it was a new commence to the cooperation process between the two sides and a natural result of the prominent place that ACSAD enjoyed as an Arab house of expertise recognized for its research, research programs, and applied projects.

He also emphasized that the Memorandum of Understanding between Al-Ba’ath University and ACSAD would open new wide horizons for the hard and fruitful action between both sides; benefit from the Arab experiences in various areas that ACSAD Organisation concerned upon; where it proved a high efficiency in all fields, working on to raise the agricultural, scientific, and research sector.

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