Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture and ACSAD // Cooperation.

 The Lebanese Minister of Agriculture Abbas Mortada discussed with the Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid during their meeting in the ministry headquarters in Beirut the cooperative relations between the two sides and the ways for enhancing and developing them in all fields.

During his meeting with Minister Mortada, Dr. Obaid pledged to “put the technical and scientific potentials of ACSAD in the service of achieving agricultural development in Lebanon and standing beside the Lebanese people at all times.

It was also agreed that “the ACSAD provides a quantity of olive seedlings, in addition to seedlings for some types of fruit trees that are tolerant of drought, a number of sheep and goats, in addition to the straws for artificial insemination and the equipment for their use, and training courses for Lebanese technical staff in this field for genetic improvement of sheep and local goats.

Moreover, it was agreed that ACSAD would supply a quantity of ACSAD improved seeds from bread wheat for multiplication in Lebanese research stations; in preparation to distribute it to Lebanese farmer

Given the outstanding experience of ACSAD in water resources development, the two sides agreed that ACSAD would undertake the necessary technical studies to build dams in specific areas in Lebanon and spread rain-water harvesting.

During the meeting, Minister Mortada congratulated Dr. Obeid on his appointment as Director-General of ACSAD and praised “the important work that the organization offers to the Arab agriculture in general and Lebanon in particular.”

Dr. Obeid also thanked the Lebanese government and the minister Mortada for giving him the confidence he greatly appreciates, noting the facilities that Lebanon offers to the Regional Bureau of the Arab Center (ACSAD) in Beirut, which contributes to the success of its activities.

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