ACSAD`s Director-General / Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Agricultural Engineers / Discussions.

His Excellency Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, the Director-General of the Arab Center of the Arid Zones and Drylands, and the Secretary-General of the General Union of Arab Agricultural Engineers, Dr. Yahya Bakour, discussed the cooperation relations between the two sides and the ways to enhance and improve them in all fields in which that service the two organizations` goals and the development of the Arab agriculture.

The joint cooperation was reviewed in the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union`s program to exchange of experiences among the specialized organization that showed the Arab Center`s role and achievements in upgrading the agricultural sector and achieving the Arab food and water security; which will proceed after the holy month of Ramadan through a distinguished new chain. Furthermore, ACSAD`s readiness and interest in the integrated cooperation with qualitative unions, Arab organizations, and the international and regional institutions and bodies to achieve the joint objectives.

Dr. Obaid presented during the meeting a brief presentation about the achievements made during this phase; the plans put in place to achieve the Center`s goals of Arab sustainable development at the headquarter country( Syria) level and the Arab countries in general.

He also stressed the importance of constant cooperation and coordination between ACSAD Organization and all Arab League`s organizations, particularly the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union represented by its Secretary-General Dr. Yahya Bakour, who had great experiments, vast experience, and right scientific vision that affected positively in the international and Arab forums.

In his turn, Dr. Bakour confirmed the importance of fruitful and constructive cooperation between ACSAD’s Organization and the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union by saying:“ ACSAD is well-known as Arab expert house, and we proud of it and what presented in its work fields.” Then, he expressed his conviction that the current phase in ACSAD’s history would be a qualitative leap full of achievements and bidding, especially under the leadership of His Excellency Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid for the Arab Center administration, and his expertise in ACSAD, which included a follow-up for ACSAD’s activities for about three decades, during which he gained the pros of all the successive Directors-general of ACSAD administration and avoided all the previous phase downsides, which were essential requisites added to his leadership advantages to moving ACSAD to a comprehensive evolutionary phase in the future.

He clarified that the achievements made over the past eleven months were impressive and proud; considered a fertile ground for a promising future start towards upgrading the Arab sustainable development despite the vast downsides left by the Corona pandemic at the humanitarian and socio-economic levels. Then, he promised greater cooperation between the two sides to advance the joint Arab work and the Arab League’s programs.

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