Cooperation Convention Between The Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands & Al-Manaseer Group in the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom

Today, in the presence of His Excellency Mr Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary of the League of Arab States, on the margins of the meetings of the High Committee for Coordination of Joint Arab Action at its fifty-third session held in the Republic of Tunisia, a convention of technical and scientific cooperation signed between the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands “ACSAD” and Al-Manaseer Group in the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom to enhance collaboration between both sides to achieve the mutual benefit and take advantage from experiences and potentials that are available for both and place them in the service of the agriculture sector (plant and animal) in the Arab region.
The convention is signed by the ACSAD’s Director-General, H.E Dr Naser Edin Obeid and the chairman of the Board of Al-Manaseer Group, Eng Ziad Al-Manaseer.

The convention stipulates the development of methodologies, approaches, and technical products that contribute to achieving the agricultural development and production plethora, working on marketing them in the Arab region, and adopting effective scientific-technical strategies to raise Arabian lands’ efficiency to accomplish the public benefit of the Arab communities’ economies and achieve the self-sufficiency, using modern technologies contributing to agricultural sector development that considers the adaptation with climate changes, and the increasing decay in Arab water resources.
It also provides for cooperation in the mutual caring of the regular events of both ACSAD and Al-Manaseer, making them work to enhance the collaborative Arab work, carrying out joint projects in investing in drought areas and arid lands, conducting specific scientific research, studies, and field applications achieve the optimum utilization of natural resources in the areas of animals’ and plants’ genetic assets to share, develop and invest them in genetic improvement programs, and developing models of integrated agricultural production systems (plant-animal) in the various rural environments.
The convention also provides for organic agriculture development, using biotechnologies in artificial insemination, conveying embryos, in-vitro fertilization, collaborating in the fields of animal health, controlling pandemic diseases and the methods of protection, and providing the requisite technical experiences to train cadres working in the agricultural sector for both ACSAD and Al-Manaseer, developing their competence as well.
The convention also indicates the need to enhance the cooperation between both sides in applying for the improved breeds election programs, recording, adopting, and diffusing them for the farmers and breeders, as well as conducting workshops, forums, and conferences in the interest of both sides; in addition to providing the technical experience to the first part by ACSAD in these areas, sharing information and data to serve the interest of both, the extensional, technical, scientific journals and specialized publications, supporting diffusing the individual research or the joint ones on the refereed scientific journal issued by ACSAD per the following publication rules, and only participate in refereeing the scientific papers pertaining to Al-Manaseer Group.
It also stipulates the importance of constant consultation between both parties of mutual interest to support efforts of collaboration to develop and improve it; make use of the research stations and advanced scientific laboratories belonging to both to carry out studies and research in ACSAD and Al-Manaseer’s work areas, as well as, providing the scientific and technical experience by ACSAD to construct a Laboratory for Al-Manaseer Group to produce semen straws, and embryos convey.
The convention also enhances the scientific, technical, invested, and marketing cooperation in the technologies of increasing the animal production and utilizing scientific research and studies as well as agricultural products investable and marketable in the Arab region, organizing scientific and experimental field days to visit ACSAD’s research stations in the headquarters state as well as for Al-Manaseer Group, and fostering technical capabilities, raise cadres’ competence working for Al-Manaseer Group through conducting scientific meetings and training courses.