Opening of the training course entitled
“Nutrition deficiency diseases and metabolic disorders of the small ruminants” in ACSAD.

The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands “ACSAD” has held today at its headquarters a training course entitled “Nutrition deficiency diseases and metabolic disorders of the small ruminants” for the benefit of sixteen trainees from the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and the Veterinarians Guild in Syria. It lasts for five days at ACSAD’s research station in Izraa.
The Director-General, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, said in a speech that this course came within the Arab Center’s plan to raise the technical cadres capacities in the agricultural sector in the headquarters State. ACSAD attached great importance to the programs of raising the human capabilities in the livestock sector, especially in animal health and nutrition, for their great importance to contribute effectively to livestock development. This comes within applying the frame convention signed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and Veterinarians Guild.

He also has explained that agriculture development and mainly livestock improvement is at the core of ACSAD’s concern where it recorded prominent success stories through its integrated programs in developing fodder resources, genetic improvement, animal health, Extension, and the integrated administration of animal resources within the governance approach, which contributed significantly in improving the productivity of milk and red meat; reducing the risk of diseases transmission, preserving the local strains from extinction.
His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, said at the end of his speech: “We in the Arab Center always seek to enhance the Arab cooperation with food security nets, and Arab agricultural development institutions in all its forms to provide the basic needs of nutritional commodities, stressing the necessity of unifying the Arab and local efforts, and supporting joint Arab research to reduce animal disease transmission.”
A group of specialists and researchers from ACSAD are lecturing on: the nutrition needs, the composition of the balanced fodder mixtures, nutrition deficiency diseases, the minerals deficiency diseases, the metabolic diseases of animals and the prevention methods, digestive anatomy, and systems of the digestive physiology.
The lectures also include digestive surgery, early diagnosis for acute digestive diseases, digestive disorders of the weaned newborns, prevention strategies, and laboratory diagnosis for some digestive diseases.


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