The Iraqi Minister of Water Resources and the ACSAD’s Director-General / Discussions and signing a Convention

      The Iraqi Minister of Water Resources Eng. Mahdi Al Hamadani and the Director-General of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands ACSAD, His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, have discussed today the topics of mutual interest, cooperation affairs and the ways to enhance and implement them.

     Dr Obaid has expressed the ACSAD Organization’s readiness to place all potential and scientific research experiences in the service of the Iraqi Ministry’s of Water Resources projects and programs to meet its plans and expectations in various areas.

     In his turn, the Minister has appreciated the ACSAD’s efforts and the workers, hoping this meeting would upgrade the cooperation affairs between the Ministry and the Organization to the optimal levels. He also has praised the crucial role of the ACSAD Organization in achieving Arab food and water security at the same level it has achieved in its Arab and scientific performance, especially in the latest period, as well as the high trust it gained in all work fields, particularly in the light of the severe climate change and water scarcity.

     The Minister is due to meet a number of officials in the headquarters country, aiming for integration and cooperation and utilizing each part’s potential to achieve Arab food and water security.

     On the other hand, the Ministry of Water Resources in the Iraq Republic has signed a convention with the Organization of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands ACSAD today, in ACSAD’s headquarters. It is a cooperation convention that aims to build constructive and fruitful cooperation between both sides and to frame their activities in specific work programs, sharing knowledge and experiences, and benefiting from the latest scientific development to serve their common programs and goals in enhancing the water security particularly in the Iraq Republic and the Arab water generally.

     The convention sets on organizing scientific meetings, forums, training courses, and workshops to build and qualify the national capabilities in the joint work areas as well as for each side’s benefit from the scientific and technical experiences and infrastructure available to the other side. The convention has signed by the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources Eng Mahdi Rasheed Al Hamadani and the ACSAD’s Director-General, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, in the presence of both parties’ delegations.

     The convention also develops scientific and technical cooperation and preparation of the projects documents, studies, and research plans, as fit with ACSAD’s and Ministry’s priorities and plans, promoting them with Arab and international financial institutions to provide the required funding for implementation.

     It also provides for the necessity of implementing joint programs in the field of mathematical modelling of surface and underground water in the Iraq Republic and providing the required funding from the Ministry’s appropriations, sharing editions and scientific publications issued by the two sides.

    The convention also recommends constant consultation about different areas of common interest to support the cooperative efforts to serve the mutual interest, conducting, according to the available potentials and current regulations, exchanging experts and specialists between the Ministry and ACSAD to provide experiences or participate in training courses or giving scientific lectures.

    The convention also provides for exchanging Data, information, statistics, editions, and scientific documents related to joint activities. Each part facilitates utilizing infrastructure for the other part’s researchers and its available technologies and publishing the Ministry’s research in the ACSAD’s reffereed journal, “ the Arab Journal for Arid Environments.” In turn, the Ministry publishes the  ACSAD’s research in its journals.

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