The Lebanese Minister of Agriculture and ACSAD’s Director-General / Discussions

     His Excellency, Dr Abbas Al-Haj Hasan, the Lebanese Minister of Agriculture and His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, the Director-General of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands ACSAD, have discussed the cooperation between both sides and the ways to enhance and foster them in various areas during their meeting today at the Arab Centre’s (ACSAD) headquarters.

     Both parties have evaluated the joint projects and activities inclusively, as well as the possibilities of conducting new developmental projects and activities, especially in the field of livestock improvement, devising new varieties of wheat and barley breeds, water harvesting, constructing mountain dams, and providing the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture with genetic materials devised in ACSAD. In addition to providing brotherly Lebanon by a hundred and fifty thousand of trees of Olive, Pistachio and so forth of fruitful trees, where it is to be distributed in the poor rural areas. The Arab Centre is to pay all the customs duties, transportation fares, and consequent expenses.

     Dr Nasr Edin Obaid Has confirmed, to His Excellency, the Minister, the constant readiness of ACSAD to place all its potentials and experiences into the service of the projects and programs of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture to meet its expectations and plans to develop the agricultural sector in Lebanon.

     In his turn, the Minister has expressed his appreciation for the ACSAD Organization’s efforts and workers, hoping that this meeting will upgrade to the best levels the cooperation between the Lebanese Ministry and ACSAD. He has indicated the crucial role of the ACSAD Organization to achieve Arab food and water security at the same level it has done in its scientific and practical performance lately. The high trust it has gained and the situation it has reached in all work fields, particularly in the light of the severe climate changes and water scarcity.

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