The Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fishing in Tunisia and ACSAD’s Director-General / Discussions

H.E the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fishing in Tunisia, Dr Muhammed Ilyas Hamzeh and the Director-General of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands “ACSAD” H.E Dr Naser Edin Obeid, have discussed the cooperation relations between both sides and the ways to enhance and improve them in various areas.
The meeting, which took place in the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fishing, concentrated on activating the cooperation, joint projects, and ACSAD’s research scientific and technical achievements, in particular, the field of eliciting new high-productive breeds of wheat and barley, water harvesting, genetic improvement of livestock under the severe climate changes prevailing recently the glob, and the current conditions due to Corona Pandemic and the international disputes that will leave its diverse repercussions over the world, especially in nutrition side.
Dr Naser Edin Obeid gave a brief presentation on the developmental projects and future plans that ACSAD is working on as it is an Arab house of expertise in order to push forward the Arab agriculture pace and sustainable development.
In his turn, the Tunisian Minister praised the research, scientific, and technical works conducted by ACSAD in the Arab countries, especially in Tunisia, on the top of them, the joint projects between ACSAD and Tunisia, which will be activated under the current administration of ACSAD by Dr Naser Edin Obeid, who gives an excellent example of interest and follow-up.