The Palestinian Minister of Agriculture and the ACSDA’s Director-General / Discussions

     The Palestinian Minister, Dr Riyad al-‘Atari, and the Director-General of the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands, His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, have discussed the cooperation between both sides and the ways to develop and enhance them in various areas during their meeting in the Arab Centre’s headquarters.

     Firstly, Dr Obaid has presented a brief presentation on ACSAD’s plans and programs to support the Arab countries’ efforts in Arab sustainable development to meet these countries’ expectations of providing food and water security, particularly in Palestine.

     Both sides have evaluated the joint projects and programs inclusively, the possibilities of conducting new developmental activities and projects, especially in the fields of developing livestock, combat desertification, restoring degraded lands, in addition to devising new varieties of barley and wheat, water harvesting, and providing the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture with genetic materials devised in ACSAD. Dr Obaid has assured to His Excellency the Palestinian Minister ACSAD’s constant readiness to place all its potentials and experiences in the service of the programs and plans of the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture to meet its expectations and plans to develop the agricultural sector in Palestine.

     In his turn, the minister expressed his appreciation of the ACSAD organization’s efforts and his hope that this meet will upgrade the cooperation relation between the Ministry and ACSAD to the best levels. He has also praised the significant role of ACSAD in achieving  Arab food and water security at the same level that it has achieved through its scientific and practical performance lately; the high trust it has gained and the situation it has reached in the various areas, particularly in the light of severe climate change and the scarcity of water.

     It is worth mentioning that His Excellency the Minister, Al Attary, is visiting the ACSAD’s headquarters in the Syrian Arab Republic for five days by invitation from the Director-General His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid.

     His Excellency, the Palestinian Minister of Agriculture, is to meet with His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Engineer Mohamed Hassan Qatna, and His Excellency the Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Engineer Hussein Mukhlouf.

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