The participation of ACSAD’s Director-General, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, in Cairo Water Week

      The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dryland, His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, participates in the events of Cairo Water Week, which is held in Cairo, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, during 24 – 28th of October 2021.

He participated in the opening session, then in the high-level events followed the opening, where He presented a comprehensive presentation in the second session on the Arab Center’s achievements, the applied and research projects to achieve sustainable development goals, particularly those of which related to water harvesting projects, raise irrigation efficiency use, conservation agriculture. In addition to modern technologies, such as geographical information systems GIS, remote sensing of integrated administration of water resources, particularly the groundwater.

     He added that the Arab Center ACSAD developed the strategy of the Arab Water focusing on the integrated administration of water resources, which aims to make good use, coordinate the development, and adopt the governance among all sectors.

     He also confirmed that ACSAD’s projects were being implemented all over the Arab countries, and other projects were already underway. A Database was established to work with all of the Agriculture and Irrigation Ministries in the Arab countries. It was being worked on the irrigation projects and developing them, and the organisation implemented many projects in 13 Arab countries.

     On the other hand, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid held several meetings with many governmental representatives, the Arab, international, and regional organisations. Cooperation was discussed and strengthened to support the exerted efforts to accelerate achieving sustainable development goals SDGs 2023, particularly the third goal on water. His Excellency, Dr Obaid, met Dr Abdulhakim Al Waer, the Deputy Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United (FAO), and the UNESCO regional office’s officer managing in Cairo, Dr Basher Imam.

     He met with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission – ESCWA, Dr Rola Al-Dashty, his Excellency, Under-Secretary for Water Ministry, Dr Abdulaziz Al-Shibany in the Saudi Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture. His Excellency, the Director-General gave a speech in the opening of the African Young Water Professional forum, which included a training course on climate change and adapting to their impacts, especially what related to irrigation management through the participation between the Arab Center, ESCWA, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage “ICID.” Swedish International Development Cooperation “Sida.” He also emphasised the Arab Center’s readiness to cooperate with all participants in order to contribute to building and enhancing capabilities in the fields of mutual interest.

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