The Two Lebanese Ministers of Agriculture and Finance and the ACSAD’s General-Director / Discussions

His Excellency, the Lebanese Minister of Agriculture, Dr Abas Al-Haj Hasan and His Excellency, the General-Director of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands ACSAD, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid, have discussed the bilateral cooperation relations and the way to enhance and develop them in various fields, especially in benefitting from ACSAD’s research applied experiences in the agricultural sector in the Lebanese Republic.

     Dr Al-Haj Hasan received His Excellency, Dr Nasr Edin Obaid in his office at the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture by a previous invitation from His Excellency; during which they agreed upon preparing a frame convention between the two sides that meet the Sustainable Agricultural Development priorities and coordinate the implementation of the joint works and projects. On the other hand, His Excellency, Dr Obaid, provided more than 100 thousand high-productive olive saplings urgently to Lebanon from the two varieties (Al-Sourani and Al-Kaisi), and 50 thousand saplings of various fruit trees, which will be distributed through the regulations set on by the Ministry that are very critical at this period.

     The ACSAD’s Director-General gave a presentation on the activities and projects implemented by the ACSAD Organization in the field of water resources development and management, Lebanese Republic adoption of ACSAD’s high-productive Varieties of Wheat and Barley that are resilient to environmental stresses, the tangible and technical support provided by ACSAD through sending hundred of thousand of olive trees and various fruit trees, cereal, and dozens of goats and sheep, in addition to the implementation of many training courses for the benefit of farmers and livestock breeders. It was also agreed on implementing several significant projects between the ACSAD Organization and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, some of which the dissemination of Biogas technology in the Lebanese villages, genetic improvement of sheep and goats, studying the water basins and developing the studies of mountains dams, flood prevention projects, in addition to expanding the conservation agriculture, building capacities, cadres, and technical frames in Lebanon in accordance with ACSAD’s seeking to assist the Arab Countries in applying the sustainable development goals, and limiting the adverse impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector, adapting with them as well to reach out the Arab food security.

     After the meeting, Dr Obaid emphasized the great importance of the constant work to grow the cooperation between the ACSAD Organization and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, follow up the activities, works, and programs being implemented in Lebanon, which is considered one of the foundational countries of the ACSAD organization.

     His Excellency, Minister Al-Haj Hasan, praised the research applied projects implemented and still being implemented by ACSAD in most of the Arab Countries, as well as the programs responding to Agricultural sector priorities, one of which is Lebanon; since ACSAD is considered to be a distinguished house of experience, and an Organization with a substantial bid, especially for Lebanon. This called to show its pilot role at the Arab, regional, and international levels. He also said: “it can not be for a person when he hears the ACSAD’s Director-General’s thoughts but to profoundly hoped that tomorrow will be more bright since this Organization has opened new horizons for Lebanon since years  ago till the current time.”

     Accordingly, during the receiving of Lebanese Minister of Finance, Dr Yossif Khalil for Dr Nasr Edin Obaid in his Office at the Lebanese Ministry of Finance; they discussed the cooperation relations between the two sides, the way to enhance them as well, particularly the financial situation of the Arab Center in the local banks. To support the critical projects to be implemented in Lebanon that targeted all

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