ACSAD honors the outstanding students


The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), based in Damascus, today honored the outstanding students who obtained high degrees in the high school and essential education degrees among the sons of Syrian workers and experts at the Arab Center.

In a speech on this occasion, the Director-General Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid praised the efforts exerted by these students to get this position of excellence and success, and said, “you are the pride of your nation and the men of the future which will prosper with you with great knowledge, science, excellence, and achievements.”

. Dr. Obaid pledged that the honoring should be a firm base at the Center to honor the outstanding students of the future generations of the members of the Center’s staff in recognition of their talents, efforts, and tireless activities.

He thanked the families of the excellence who provided them with a suitable environment for excellence and creativity, saying, “you have done the best, and we wish you a prosperous future that befits you with the dignity of our country, the beautiful Syria we love, proud and glorify.”.

He also praised the Syrian educational system that graduates innovators in all fields despite the tremendous obstacles and the difficult challenges that befell the country recently.

In turn, the honorees` parents expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Director-General of ACSAD to this privilege. At the end of the ceremony, the Director-General delivered Certificates of recognition and financial reward for each outstanding.

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