The Secretary-General of the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union praises ACSAD.

The Secretary-General of the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union, Dr. Yahya Bakouhr, praised the outstanding high performance of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands ACSAD Organization during the first lecture of the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union’s climate program on the optimal investment for the area’s resources and providing solutions to address dry environmental problems.

Dr. Bakour appreciated the valuable professional lectures and the serious interventions presented by ACSAD’s experts and researchers on climate change and its impact on agriculture and water. He confirmed that the high experience of ACSAD’s experts and researchers emphasizes their scientific professionality to achieve the demanded goals.

Dr. Bakour also praised the rich experiment and outstanding expertise of ACSAD in adaptation fields to climate changes, especially its implementation for many projects in the Arab countries in the field of conservation agriculture spreading, water harvesting, construction for many dams, degraded land restoration, and the adaptation to these changes’ negative impacts.

He also appreciated the valuable intervention presented by his Excellency, the Minister of Syrian Agriculture, Eng. Muhammad Hassan Qatana concentrated on the policies, programs, and procedures that the Ministry takes to address the drought impacts resulting from climate change.

Dr. Bakour expressed his great appreciation to Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, the Arab Center’s Director-General, for his great fruitful scientific and outstanding efforts he exserted to activate the Center’s role in the optimal form and all fields. In addition to gathering the best expertise on methodical bases and long scientific expertise in administrational scientific work on the local and Arab levels to serve the sustainable Arab agriculture development.

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