Acsad and Al fourat University /cooperation agreement

The Arab center for the studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) and Al Furat university located in Deir Ez-Zur governorate in the Syrian Arab Republic, signed an agreement to enhance their technical and scientific cooperation for five years, which is renewable by agreement of the two parties.

The agreement was signed by the general-Director of ACSAD, Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, and by the president of Euphrates University, Dr. Jacques Mardini, today at ACSAD headquarters in Damascus.

The agreement provides for cooperation between the two sides in the fields of multi-source water use, development of date palm-breeding, conservation agriculture, combating desertification, joint utilization of their laboratories and field experiment stations, and strengthening technical capabilities that contribute to the development of the realities of agriculture in areas of interest to both parties.

It also provides for the exchange of experiences and specialists, participation in the symposiums, workshops, and training courses held by the two parties in order to gain experience and knowledge development, provide advice, transfer of experience and technology, and scientific publication.

The agreement included the participation of the two sides in supervising the students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.), and the university will provide 500 dunums of agricultural land for conducting experiments in all fields of specialization, as well as other items related to the interests of the two parties.

Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid confirmed that the signing of this agreement was based on the desire of both parties to lay the foundations for scientific and technical cooperation between them and to apply the criteria for the optimal use of natural and human resources, to manage agriculture properly, and to support the mechanisms of work, according to the priorities of sustainable agricultural development.

In his part Dr. Jacques Mardini praised the important role played by ACSAD in achieving sustainable Arab agricultural development, noting the progress achieved on the high level of its practical, scientific, and applied performance, furthermore, the high confidence it has gained and the high scientific position it reached in all areas of its work.


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