The ACSAD Organization & the Agriculture Engineer Syndicate / Agreement of cooperation

The Organization of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) and the Syndicate of Agriculture Engineers have signed an agreement of cooperation aimed at contributing to developing the Arab agricultural reality in general and the Syrian ones in particular, with its plant and animal sectors, and the rehabilitation of agricultural technical personnel; to achieve socio-economic development and to unifying all efforts among the parties to reach the applied results in the joint action areas.

The Agreement was signed by ACSAD’s Director-General, His Excellency Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, and the head of Agricultural Engineers Syndicate, Dr. Rama Aziz, at ACSAD’s headquarter in Damascus.

The Agreement stipulates the cooperation between two sides in preparing the applied research and studies that benefit the agriculture reality in the Syrian Arab Republic and provide the necessary technical expertise to train the technical cadres working in the Syrian agriculture sector and develop its competence.

The Agreement also stipulates the participation in organizing and attending the workshops, symposiums, and conferences of common interest; and providing the necessary expertise which the Syndicate needed from ACSAD in the agricultural, scientific, and technical areas; and participating in the fields days that ACSAD and the Agricultural Engineers Syndicate conducting at the research stations in the headquarters country.

The Agreement aims to exchange information and scientific and technical data, the scientific, technical, extension magazines, and the specialized publications to benefit the two sides; to support the individual or joint publications in the refereed scientific magazines issued by ACSAD according to the followed rules of publication, to participate in refereeing the scientific research following the regulations and laws for both parties, and to consult continuously in various areas of mutual interest in order to strengthen and develop cooperation efforts and improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

The Director-General of ACSAD, His Excellency, Dr. Nasr Edin Obaid, explained in a speech that this Agreement between ACSAD and the Syndicate would be a clear road map to upgrade the joint work of the two sides, which would establish for a fertile scientific phase full of joint achievements in various areas, particularly in the agricultural sector in Syria and the Arab world.

  The Director-General of ACSAD confirmed the importance of this Agreement in these hard circumstances, Syria pass-through. He said that they would work with all Syrian agricultural activities and events, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture, to upgrade this sector to the level of our ambitions.

For her part, the head of Agricultural Engineers Syndicate, Dr. Rama Aziz, confirmed that the signing of this cooperation agreement between ACSAD and the Syndicate would be in both parties’ interests and on the level of their ambitions both Syrian and Arab ones.

Dr. Aziz said that this Agreement would be a practically reliable path to overcome the difficulties and problems that stand as obstacles in the face of the Syrian agricultural sector’s advancement. She also noted the great interest giving by the new general administration of the Arab Center ACSAD to upgrade this sector; its constructive collaboration with the ministry of agriculture and agrarian reform, institutions, and bodies involved. She expressed her great appreciation to the Director-General for his tireless efforts in this area.

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