The Director-General delivers ACSAD`s word at the meetings of the high coordination committee for Arab joint Action

The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) Dr. Nasr Eddin Al Obaid delivered a speech on behalf of the organization at the activities of the 49th session of the Arab Joint Action the Higher Coordination Committee on “the consequences of the Corona crisis on Arab economies and societies


The meetings were held on 13 July 2020, via teleconference (CCTV), organized by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States

At the outset, the Director-General of ACSAD salutes H.E Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, H.E. Ambassador Hussam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General, Head of the Office of the Secretary-General. Dr. Kamal Hassan Ali, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs, And the heads of the general directors and the heads of the Arab organizations and unions.

He said. “From Damascus, Sham. From Sham Jasmine… From the proud Syrian Arab people to their brothers and lovers in the Nile Valley; from the far-most part of the Maghreb to its east. A lovely salutation from the beating heart of Arabism… The keen heart all concern for interests of this nation, and the believer with whole faith in the unity of course and destiny of all our Arab countries

Dr. Naser Eddin Al Obaid then went to Mr. the Secretary-General saying “Your presence at the heart of the event has always been, however strong the winds may be, has always stimulated us all, and your continuous wise and guidance for the work programs of all Arab League organizations, especially the management of Arab organizations and federations, has positively reflected on the progress of these organizations, including but not limited to the progress of these organizations. I refer here to ACSAD Organization, where, according to your guidance, a new Director-General was appointed, so I had the honor to assume this responsibility with ease and calm in line with following the laws and regulations of the Arab League State, which I have demanded to apply and give it a serious and strict effect, reflecting the strong prestige of the Arab League demonstrated its nobility in past and present legacy and the foundation of a legal reference, history will witness that you were at the top of its leadership pyramid

 He Continued. “Mr. Secretary-General. Under your wise guidance and inspiration from your career in the leadership of the Arab League, we pledge to you that we will work hard, actively and willfully according to your directives and instruction to advance the work of our organization, to raise it to its proper place, and to the rank that is chiming with your aspirations and your successful career in the most difficult circumstances On the level of the Arab world and the world. We will be at your best expectations., and your Excellency:” truth shows itself through actions.” And there is tomorrow”

Dr. Al-Obaid then drew the attention of the members of the higher Coordination Committee for Arab Joint Action to the fact that it is now known to all, that the world today faces a long series of challenges, which effects and risks go beyond the geographical and political borders of States, and in this sense, it represents global issues that impose common interest and cooperation among all. At the level of individuals, societies, or countries; the most important of these challenges is the Corona pandemic, COVID 19, which is currently the mother of all challenges at all levels, health, economic, financial, social, food, water, and even politics.

 He added that “This crisis represented a historic opportunity for Arab joint action in reading and analyzing the effects and results from what it had produced in the direction of enhancing Arab food and water security, to re-consideration the local agricultural, food and health product at any costs, and considering what policies and procedures should be implemented by benefiting from Arab experiences.

 He noted that “The presence of the Arab Center, “ACSAD” as one of the Arab joint action organizations, contributes within its strategic goals and areas of work solving crises related to agricultural development in general, to the lifting of the labor force and intensive efforts in emergency crises in particular.

 He drew the attention That ACSAD is continuing to pursue its work at all levels during the crisis and continuing to make tangible achievements in all its areas of its work, such as raising the rates of crop production and efficiency, developing production and productivity of basic crops and livestock in the Arab region, in addition to its achievements in the areas of combat and control desertification, the cessation of land degradation, pasture rehabilitation, and integrated water resources management. And many others….

He clarified that the past crises can give valuable lessons about what should do and should not be done, but it is important to remain aware that the size of the Corona pandemic differs from anything we have seen before, as it is not a local but global entirely new disaster.

He pointed out that the continuous communication, solidarity, and collaboration between research centers, Arab and international organizations, Arab economic institutions, and interested individuals, and the digital exchange of data and information become an urgent and inevitable need to contribute to deepening the process of analysis and reading reality and reaching important outputs that contribute to supporting decision-making.

Dr. Al-Obaid thanked the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in general, the economic affairs sector, and the management of Arab organizations and unions in particular, their leadership and sponsorship of coordination and cooperation among the concerned parties through electronic platforms, which represented a historic opportunity for joint Arab work in reading and analyzing the effects and results produced by this crisis towards enhancing and strengthening the capabilities; and considering identifying policies and procedures to be implemented by benefiting from successful Arab experiences through many online conferences led by the important symposium on the implications of Corona for Arab food security; therefore, they deserve all thanks and appreciation

 The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) Dr. Nasr Eddin Al Obaid concluded his speech by assuring that the organization continues to perform its tasks, implement its plans, provide its experience and use its capabilities, increase coordination and consultation with the Arab Ministries of Agriculture, and intensify cooperation with Arab organizations and unions members of the higher Coordination Committee for Arab Joint Action; To establish a solid network of joint research work relationships, support and implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, and the Arab agricultural development process

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