Strengthening the cooperation between ACSAD and AAH-Spain

The Director-General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD), Dr. Nasr Eddin Al Obaid, discussed the  cooperation relations with the Spanish Organization  Against Hunger (AAH-Spain) during his meeting today with the organization’s office manager in Syria, Mr. Antonio Trombin, and his accompanying delegation

The Director-General of ACSAD presented a comprehensive presentation on the course of cooperation between the two sides, noting the accomplishment achieved through this cooperation. His Excellency said that cooperation between the two sides resulted in the implementation of 15 development and relief projects in Syria and one project in the Arab Republic of Egypt with a total value of more than 10 million dollars during recent years, including about 37 thousand poor rural families,  affected by the crisis in Syria, spread in various governorates of the Syrian countryside. By giving them a full package of basic agricultural assistance that ensures restoration of the agricultural production cycle in the target areas, These aids included distributing about 1500 tons of wheat seed, about 6000 tons of fodder, 600 thousand saplings of summer vegetables, 12345 baskets of summer and winter vegetable seeds and their equipment, and 4500 baskets of tools and veterinary medicines, and implementing 964rain-water harvesting units at the family and community level. In addition to the implementation of about  1,400 extension seminars for the beneficiaries, more than 2,000 young people have been trained in income-generating skills in the Homemade of agricultural and livestock products, and the provision of tools and equipment for such projects are free of charge. The Director-General emphasized that these projects accomplished positive results for tens of thousands of poor rural families, which had led to achieving food security and had generated income sources that would have enhanced their stability in their villages.

H.E. Dr. Al-Obaid expressed his hope for continued cooperation to serve the Syrian and Arab rural population, to achieve the programs, aspirations, and goals of this high-profile humanitarian organization

For his part, the head of the Spanish delegation explained the progress of the development and relief projects carried out in cooperation between the two sides during the past ten years in Syria and the Arab countries

He praised the great efforts made by the organization ACSAD to implement the joint projects between the two sides, noting the positive results achieved through it, promising that cooperation between the two sides will continue in the next phase.

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